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Save the date for the annual IGG meeting 2023!

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The Annual IGG Meeting will be held on 28th November 2023 at Lhasa Limited, Leeds, UK.

The meeting will include the Richard Williams Award candidate presentations, data workshops on real-world decisions in genotoxicity and topics such as Nitrosamines, 5-years on. We look forward to seeing you there.

Update on IWGT Meeting Format

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Please see the below message from the IWGT Organizing Committee regarding the upcoming IWGT meeting format:

You will be aware that at IWGT our preferred format is on-site attendance in order to maximize interactions with the Working Group members. However, in view of the continued Covid-related travel restrictions, we anticipate many interested scientists may not be allowed to attend IWGT in person. We therefore decided to extend the options to join IWGT remotely, and to move towards a “hybrid” format.

We will therefore now accept registrations from scientists who want to attend IWGT remotely, and to do so scientists should use the below link to register, and identify that they will be attending virtually. The registration fee will remain at 250 Euro.

IWGT Registration link

New Opportunity: Senior Scientist / Study Director – in vitro genetic toxicology Gentronix – Alderley Park, Cheshire

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Are you a highly motivated scientist passionate about toxicology, with a clear commitment to delivering high quality science within a screening setting? If so, we want to hear from you.

We’re looking for a Study Director for in vitro studies to take up a role leading the planning, execution and delivery of our screening micronucleus test (MNT) services. This is a permanent, full-time role that is critical to the continued success of our company.

Please see below for more details.

 Senior Scientist – Study Director | Gentronix

New Opportunity: Cell Therapy Cytogeneticist (Genetic Toxicologist), Safety Innovations at AstraZeneca

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New Opportunity: Cell Therapy Genetic Toxicologist/Cytogeneticist Safety Innovations at AstraZeneca

Do you have a  background in Genetic Toxicology, Cytogenetics and Stem Cellular Biology, seeking a lab based role and is up for a challenge? Do you have experience cytogenetic research and its interpretation. Do you want to expand your knowledge and impact the non-clinical safety assessment of the next generation of cell therapies and regenerative medicines? If yes, AstraZeneca might have the position for you!

We are searching for a highly motivated laboratory-based cell biologist/cytogeneticist to join our team as a Senior Scientist. In this role you will play an important part in our Genetic Toxicology Group within the broader Clinical Pharmacology and Safety Sciences department. The scientist will be based in Cambridge, UK, where we are in the process of occupying our new state of the art Discovery Centre on the Addenbrookes campus. This will create the collaborative environment across our disciplines to drive the innovation required for 21st century pharmaceutical research.

Please follow this link for more details and to apply.


Advanced Comet Assay Training Course

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The International Comet Assay Working Group (ICAWG) are holding an advanced comet assay training course on the use of 3D models and high throughput comet chip. The training course will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands on the 21st and 22nd May 2022, prior to the joint ICAW and EEMGS meeting.

Applications to attend the training course are now open. Spaces are limited to 25, therefore, registrations will involve an application and selection process.

For further information and details on how to apply, please use the following link:

Deadline for applications: 1st April 2022.

For further details on the joint International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW) and EEMGS meeting, which takes place in Maastricht, the Netherlands between the 23rd and 26th May 2022, please see the ICAW website:

Nominations for the 2022 UKEMS Young Scientist Award

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Nominations are requested for the 2022 UKEMS Young Scientist Award

This prestigious biennial award is presented to a UKEMS member who has made an outstanding contribution to the field. In order to be eligible, the nominee must have no more than 10 years’ experience since receiving their PhD and should have been a UKEMS member for longer than 9 months.

Nominations should include a cover letter, one page CV, a list of publications, full copies of the nominee’s 3 ‘best’ papers and a letter of support from the nominee’s supervisor, line manager or other suitable proposer.

The recipient will be required to present an award lecture at the 2022 UKEMS Conference at The Royal Hall, Harrogate and to submit an appropriate manuscript (research or review article) to Mutagenesis.

Nominations will be considered by a panel of judges, comprising UKEMS Fellows UKEMS Committee Members.

The award consists of:

  • Travel, registration and accommodation expenses for a relevant scientific meeting the following year
  • Cheque for £250
  • Inscribed UKEMS Young Scientist Medal

Please send nominations to Robert Smith ( by Friday 18th February 2022.

Nominations are requested for the 2022 UKEMS Young Scientist Award

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This prestigious biennial award is presented to a UKEMS member who has made an outstanding contribution to the field. In order to be eligible, the nominee must have no more than 10 years’ experience since receiving their PhD and should have been a UKEMS member for longer than 9 months.

Nominations should include a cover letter, one page CV, a list of publications, full copies of the nominee’s 3 ‘best’ papers and a letter of support from the nominee’s supervisor, line manager or other suitable proposer.

The recipient will be required to present an award lecture at the 2022 UKEMS Conference at The Royal Hall, Harrogate and to submit an appropriate manuscript (research or review article) to Mutagenesis.

Nominations will be considered by a panel of judges, comprising UKEMS Fellows UKEMS Committee Members.

The award consists of:

  • Travel, registration and accommodation expenses for a relevant scientific meeting the following year
  • Cheque for £250
  • Inscribed UKEMS Young Scientist Medal

Please send nominations to Robert Smith ( by Friday 18th February 2022.

Job vacancy: Higher Toxicologist

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Dear IGG members,

Please see the below link to details of a vacancy for a Higher Toxicologist for a fixed term of 18 months based within the Toxicology Department at the Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Directorate (RCE), UK Health Security Agency (HSA).

Closing date is 26th January.

Link to vacancy and contact details can be found at here.

UKEMS Meeting: Dec 1st – Spread the word!

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It’s just over a week until our One Day UKEMS Meeting in London on December 1st.

With many plans coming together in a short time, we encourage you to book asap via the website here.

The programme can be found on the website.

Venue details
The meeting is being held at Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street, London W1W 6JJ. Sessions will be held in the Council Chambers with badge collection and refreshments/lunch in the Regent Suite.