The 36th Annual IGG Meeting 2023

The 36th Annual IGG Meeting was held on 28th November 2023 at Lhasa Limited, Granary Wharf House, 2 Canal Wharf, Leeds, LS11 5PS, UK.


Thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting!


9:30-10:00 Welcome tea/coffee
10:00-10:30 Development of the in vitro micronucleus test for exposure to whole aerosol and gas-vapour phase from cigarettes

Ian Crooks (B.A.T.)

10:30-11:15 Richard Williams Memorial Award session

Escaping the cohort of concern: a case study of a complex nitrosamine impurity known to generate formaldehyde

Raj Gandhi (AstraZeneca)

Assessing the in vitro toxicity of multicomponent nanomaterials: informing the Safe and Sustainable by Design approach 

Angela Saccardo (Swansea University)

11:15-11:40 Tea/coffee break – voting time for the Richard Williams Memorial Award winner
11:40-12:20 Announcement of the Richard Williams Memorial Award Winner 2023

New Approach Methods (NAMs): Light bulb moment or flash in the pan?

Darren Kidd (Labcorp)

Investigator technical award presentations
12:20-13:30 AGM and lunch
13:30-14:30 Why Nitrosamines are problematic and what can be done about them?

David Ponting (Lhasa Limited)

The Ames test study designs for nitrosamine mutagenicity testing: qualitative and quantitative analysis of key assay parameters.

Dean Thomas (GSK)

14:30-15:00 Tea/coffee break
15:00-16:00 Extending our understanding of the in vivo mutagenic potential of NDMA using Duplex Sequencing analysis of liver tissue from a Muta™Mouse transgenic rodent mutation assay 

Anthony Lynch (GSK)

In vivo mutation data and nitrosamines (BMD approach)

George Johnson (Swansea University)

16:00 Meeting close